Benedict was born 1987 in Linz, Austria. He completed his A-levels at the commercial college “Handelsakademie 1" in Wels.
Following A-levels he moved to study computer sciences at the University Of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg. His degrees include a B.Sc. in Mediatechnology and -design, an M.A. in Digital Arts and a M.Sc. in Information Engineering and Management.
From 2013 till 2018, Benedict was working as a Product Manager at Runtastic, being end-to-end responsible for the Runtastic app. This included strategic roadmap planning, project and feature execution, CRM efforts and business model development.
Currently Benedict is living in Chicago, IL, working as a VP Customer Success for Mindbreeze Corporation. He is responsible for organisational development, team building and all American customer relationships.
In his leisure Benedict is an avid reader, athlete and passionate learner. His interest follow a large number of topics from psychology, economics and philosophy to sports such as triathlon, soccer or volleyball.